1547 Datacenters

1547 Datacenters

1547 Datacenters is a leading developer and operator of custom-designed datacenters with over 500,000 sq. ft. of datacenter space under development in the following locations:
Orangeburg, NY 230k sq. ft. 24MW (1,400 ft from NJ boarder, 22 miles north of midtown NYC)
Rockland CountyChicago, IL 230k sq. ft. (2018) 10MW, downtown Chicago
Cheyenne, WY 40k sq. ft. 4MW, adjacent to Microsoft 50MW datacenter
Kapolei, HI (AlohaNAP) 10k sq. ft. 1.5 MW, 15 miles from Honolulu subsea cable and satellite capabilities
San Francisco, CA (2018) 200k sq. ft. 24 MW, adjacent to 200 Paul Carrier Hotel


Our focus is on providing both wholesale and retail colocation tenants with customized mission critical solutions from concept through completion.


Full sale tax abatement in our Orangeburg NY & Chicago datacenters for all customer equipment placed in our facility 8.375% (NY), 10.25% (IL) saving to customers- equates to 18% of total saving, or $20 per kW or 11 months of free rentCustom Colo- built for different type of works loads and redundanciesGreen Data Center – Glycol-based cooling equates to 0 gallons of water used to cool our datacenters (All Locations)Flat organization with 60 years of experience building and operating datacentersAlohaNAP facility is the only purpose build multitenant datacenter on the island of OahuAlohaNAP is 160ft above sea level and 2 miles inland (both stats are the by far the highest for any provider on the island)In-house general contractor (Martin Group Services) all sites are owned, built and operated by our own team.